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Narrative coaching is a transformative process which revolves around creating the space for shifts in consciousness to occur. The narrative you tell yourself about yourself often subconsciously determines how you act and react to others or to situations, which in turn, influence the course of your life and your career. This is why we will examine your life story. Together we will uncover the common thread running through your story and your working life. The goal is to gain insight into your soul’s desire, your potential, your motivations and career perspectives but also into what keeps you imprisoned or obstructs your desired development. This will reveal (or will remind you again) of what your life’s goal, unique talents and calling are.
When is narrative coaching of use?
Potential methods:
Els Brouwer has been working in the job market for over 30 years, the majority of which has been spent at Projob. At the same time Els is also a Storyteller, narrative coach and author of several books. She completed her Masters at the Storytelling Academy and went on to complete a supplementary course in narrative life story coaching at the same academy.