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This course will provide you with the exact theory you have been looking for and will offer you the practice you need. You will work intensively with Jacqueline, a trainer/coach, and training actress Tet. Previous course participants will testify to the fact that that this course will yield real results.
Your personal training course will start with an intake session via telephone and an assessment of your personal situation. You will be provided with tools in the form of tips or articles immediately. You will lay out your case and situation in detail prior to the training session. During the session with Jacqueline (trainer/coach) and Tet (training actress) you will go into the details of your case and discover how you can achieve success in the situation that is challenging to you. After you have had your ‘challening’ conversation in practice, you will receive an assignment to reflect upon it. In addition, you will discuss it once more in a telephone coaching session in which you can ask any follow-up questions you may have.
Topics on offer:
Your learning request determines how the training is structured. FAQ’s:
What will you gain?
Practical information:
Duration: Over the course of a month you will have a telephone introduction, a coaching session, a training session and a second telephone coaching session
Location: The face-to-face training and coaching in Het Coachhuis Utrecht and the remainder via telephone and digital contact.
Number of participants: 1 - 1
Inclusive of: Course material tailored to your needs.
Price: Contact Projob for details
Jacqueline van ’t Spijker is an occupational and organisational psychologist, senior communication skills trainer, coach, certified inter-vision moderator and haptonomic professional. She has been working as a trainer for more than 25 years, frequently in collaboration with training actress Tet van der Donk. Management teams and highly educated specialists will benefit the most from this practical training in mastering excellent conversations at work. A good personal connection and communication is the best basis for smooth collaboration with others. Being seen and being heard in your interactions with others has a lasting impact.